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LeetCode 🏔️/String

76. Minimum Window Substring

Description: Solution: countT, window will be what we "have" & what we "need" We update our window[c]. Does window[c] satisfiy 'window[c] == countT'? Time Complexity: O(n)

LeetCode 🏔️/String

424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement

Description: Solution: count will store the number of letters of each chracters. res is the longest length of substring we can have. There will be two pointers: r, l Moving r pointer, we count the character. If the length(substring) - (count of bigger character) is bigger than k, we should move l pointer. Then, update the max res. Time Complexity: O(n)

LeetCode 🏔️/String

3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Description: Solution: We use set() for substring. (Sliding Window) In example 1, the string is abcabcbb. We are gonna store substring until meet duplicated character. abc -> now we meet "a" Remove the first "a", now new substring is bca. The length of substring should be r - l + 1. Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(n)

LeetCode 🏔️/Tree

212. Word Search II

Description: Solution:

LeetCode 🏔️/Tree

211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure

Description: Solution: For solving this problem, we use TrieNode (prefix tree). In serach(), we use recursion method to check "." if c is "." we are gonna check the values next to the "." We put the values in dfs() from the next one, so that check recursively by increasing i.

카테고리 없음

208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

Description: Solution: We make a TrieNode() class. In TrieNode(), we have two attribute: children, endOfWord In insert(), if c is not in cur.children, we put the c in it. And mark the last character as endOfWord. In search(), if c is not in cur.children, we return False. In startsWith(), it is same with search function. But, we use prefix in this case.

LeetCode 🏔️/Tree

235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree

Description: Solution: Start from root. If both p, q is less than root, we are gonna see the left portion of root. elif both p, q is more than root, we are gonna see the right portion of root. Other cases have a root as a LCA node in the Tree. Time Complextiy: O(logn) Space Complexity: O(1)

LeetCode 🏔️/Tree

230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST

Description: Solution: First, we keep going left in tree. We put the values in stack. Pop the value from the stack. => From most smallest value. Everytime we pop, increase n to check if there is kth smallest value. If it doensn't exist, now we can go right at current node to see the next.

LeetCode 🏔️/Tree

297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

Description: Solution: serialize() if node is None --> append('n') if node exist --> append(str(node.val)) We should search from left! ','.join(res) => ['a', 'b', 'c'] --> "a,b,c" deserialize() data.split(",") => "a,b,c" --> ['a', 'b', 'c'] self.i is the global variable 'n' means null, so return null. Don't forgetself.i += 1 We are gonna append TreeNode object. '(val)' is the string form, so we ..

LeetCode 🏔️/Tree

98. Validate Binary Search Tree

Description: Solution: In helper(), we are gonna update the boundary to check the val is satisfied in boundary condition. min_val is the left boundary. max_val is the right boundary. helper() return the new boundary. "-2**31-1" and "2**31" are the initial value for the root value. It represents "-∞

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